Study shows remote testing is a good way to getting things done during the pandemic
A group of Italian Researchers, members of the SISS-Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali, tackled these and other research questions in their paper “Remote testing: Sensory test during Covid-19 pandemic and beyond” published on Food Quality and Preference 96 (2022) 104437 ( that shows the main results of the research project “Remote Sensory testing”.
The project involves testing and comparing the results of five different methods (of which two discriminant and three descriptive tests) carried out at home or in the lab or workplace. The tests were carried out by both trained assessors and untrained consumers.
Results show that remote testing offers similar performances
One of the main findings is that, in most scenarios, the results of the tests carried out remotely do not differ significantly from the “traditional” tests carried out in the lab, with the exception of the tetrad test.
In the conclusions, the authors state that, if carried out under appropriate circumstances and under a strict operational protocol and after an appropriate training, not only remote testing can be a valid substitute of the “in-lab” tests for both trained and untrained assessors, but they can also be more efficient, in terms of time consumption. They also underline that not all samples are ideal for these kind of tests because of the logistics and the storage conditions required to deliver them to the panellists while maintaining the sensory and microbiologic characteristics of the samples.