Sensory analysis mistakes, why do we make them?

Although our senses are very powerful tools, sometimes even more sensitive than state-of-the-art scientific equipment, if not used correctly they lead us into error and return wrong answers during our evaluation sessions.

There are many traps which we need to avoid in order to carry out proper sensory sessions. We can group them into three main blocks

  • Physiological Errors
  • Psychological Errors
  • Other minor mistakes

Each one of these categories includes some of the most frequent evaluation errors that we have to keep in mind in order to obtain the best performances.

Physiological Errors

This type of sensory analysis mistake derives from our natural response to sensory stimuli. Let’s get acquainted with them.

Among the physiological errors we can list

  • Adaptation error: occurs when we are subjected for a long time to a same stimulus. This leads to a decrease of sensitivity towards a stimulation. For example, when we enter an environment with a characteristic odour, after some time we no longer perceive it. People who have the habit of eating salty foods feel the need