Come and meet us (in person, finally!)
As things hopefully start going back to normal, here are the next sensory science events we’re going to take part to.
Sensory Science events are back in person and we’re going to be there
This new year will hopefully see some gradual steps in the direction of normality, at least as far as Sensory Science events and meetings are concerned.
We missed a lot being able to talk to the sensory community members: experts, newcomers, lecturers and researchers, technicians and people from the various industries. We all have in common a goal that is to use sensory knowledge to improve people’s life quality.
But this year, we’ve already started our engines for at least two fine events which will take place in the next months.
7th SISS National Conference in Matera
Our friends at SISS-Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali (Read here about their latest research) are organising the 7th National Conference on Sensory and Consumer Science, in collaboration with the University of Basilicata (happy SSB users since 2019).
This Sensory Science event will take place in April, from the 27th to the 28th in beautiful Matera, 2019 EU Culture Capital, whose old town is home to the legendary ancient “Sassi” houses are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list.
The conference will be articulated in three main sessions dedicated to sustainability, health and new methods.
Here’s the link to the conference page on the SISS website
We’re very much looking forward to taking part in this conference, since the last SISS meeing was held in Bologna in 2016 and was SSB’s debut in a sensory event.